Workaway The Second

When things didn’t work out as anticipated at the farm, we started looking for another Workaway arrangement in Melbourne. What we found was a whole lot of nothing! We knew we couldn’t afford to stay in Melbourne for more than a week without a Workaway, so we came up with...

Australia: Melbourne

We know some of you have been waiting for the next blog post. We’re so grateful for your excitement over our travel experiences and your desire to not miss a post! Our experience at the farm took some time to process and we spent so much time moving after we...

Things Aren’t Always as They Appear (Part 2 of 2)

After our first couple days on the farm, we started to come out the other end of the jet lag and decided to make the best out of a bad situation. If you don’t know the bad situation I’m referring to, stop and notice the title says part 2, then...

Things Aren’t Always as They Appear (Part 1 of 2)

In Mark’s first post, he alluded to what would be our first WorkAway experience. In the months prior to leaving for Australia, we read through profile after profile trying to find the host that would be the perfect fit for us. We spent hour after hour reading every word in...

Remembering Michael, Remembering All…

We spent 2 weeks in Sydney exchanging 2 hours of cleaning per day for accommodations. The house we cleaned was quite large, 7 bedrooms (occupied by AirBnB guests), 2 communal bathrooms and a separate granny flat. On our second evening there, we met a guest named Michael. He was middle...

Four days and counting…

Erin and I are about to embark on the journey of our life. I’ve always dreamed of traveling the world but the idea of going alone never appealed to me. I wanted someone with me, someone to share the experience with. Erin is that person for me, 100%. “Us against...

Of Course I’m Excited, But…

It’s hard to believe the day is nearly here!  We’ve spent months preparing…researching visas, flights, accommodations, submitting forms, and making sure we’re prepared to leave home and travel the world for the better part of a year.  As we get closer to the date, I get asked more and more...